
Effective modern medical treatment depends on pharmaceuticals and advances in medical technology. For many people these drugs and medical devices can create great strides in recovery, but when medical intervention proves harmful, it is patients who suffer the negative effects. The lawyers at Scarfone Hawkins LLP are experienced in the unique and challenging aspects of medical malpractice claims. We have the resources and knowledge to pursue a medical product lawsuit on your behalf, and the tenacity to see the case through to its result.

Learning Your Condition Is The Result Of A Medical Product Defect

After a patient receives medical intervention in the form of a drug or implantation of a medical device, he or she may experience unexpected delays in getting better or have an immediate and negative reaction. In the case of some medical interventions, side effects may not be present for months or even years after initial treatment. Medical implants, for example, may decay inside the body over the course of a mere decade when it was promised to be a permanent solution to a medical issue. Our firm represents people who have suffered harm because of:

  • Unsafe medications
  • Unsafe medical devices
  • Unsafe hip replacements
  • Unsafe knee replacements

Product liability legal claims that involve drugs and implants require dedication to pursuing the claim for the long term and access to the expert testimony of medical personnel who can connect a harmful product with the injuries suffered by a patient. At Scarfone Hawkins LLP, we have this dedication and access to experts. Medical liability cases are often hard fought by drug companies and doctors who want to defend their actions. When we choose to become your lawyers, we choose to use our skills to the best of our ability to stand up for you and your rights to redress.

Contact Us ♦ Ontario Drug Recall And Liability Claims

Legal liability for defective drugs and medical devices can fall on the manufacturer of the device or on other members of the medical community who acted in appropriately. To receive a legal assessment of your case, call us at 905-581-2277 in Hamilton or 800-481-7295 toll free. You can also contact usonline to schedule a free consultation. When we become your lawyers, we take no fee until we secure you compensation.