The latest figures from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) show that more than 40 percent of Americans who were forced into lockdown due to the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) are now suffering from at least one mental or behavioral health condition.

Of the 5,412 Americans surveyed at the end of June by the CDC, a shocking 41 percent reported serious adverse effects from having to stay at home under government orders. Their responses were recorded in the Aug. 14 edition of the CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality report.

Whether due to worry and anxiety about job security, or fears about death and loneliness, a large percentage of Americans now face a lifetime of mental and/or physical health problems as a result of measures that health authorities insisted would cure the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) plandemic.

Dr. Carla Marie Manly, a clinical psychologist who specializes in dealing with stress and anxiety, told The Epoch Times that she has personally witnessed “a huge surge in depression, suicidality, and anxiety during the pandemic.”

To help those in need, Dr. Manly has graciously participated in a number of programs such as virtual group sessions and free mental health videos, as well as her individual therapy practice.

By the way, much of what is still taking place, from masks to distancing to lockdowns, is rooted in the occult. Listen below to The Health Ranger Report as Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, talks with Scott Kesterson about how humanity, with God’s help, can defeat the rising Luciferians:

Three out of four American young adults now have a mental or behavioral illness due to lockdowns

The worst-affected people in all this appear to be young adults aged between 18 and 24. According to the latest CDC data, a shocking 75 percent of people in this age category now suffer from at least one mental and/or physical health condition due to the lockdowns.

In the 30 days prior to this past June, more than one in 10 adults said they had seriously considered committing suicide, as one example of how people are being affected by all this. That number is roughly twice what was reported back in 2018.

Meanwhile, the mainstream media continues to fear-monger about the threat of “new cases,” which still have no actual meaning. Does a “case” mean that someone is actually sick, or does it simply mean that a person tested positive, which as we have seen could be inherently flawed or even fraudulent.

“We’ve heard about the horrible, lonely deaths that patients with COVID-19 suffer because they’re in quarantine,” says Carole Lieberman, a doctor, psychiatrist and mother who warns that the media’s fearmongering alone is causing a major public health crisis.

“Forced isolation through stay-at-home mandates can cause many physical and psychological problems including anxiety, depression and suicide.”

According to Nicole Avena, an assistant professor of neuroscience at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York City and visiting professor of healthy psychology at Princeton University, there is “absolutely” a public health crisis of mental illness that has now spawned due to the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) lockdowns.

“People are worried about a possible second wave of the virus, but I can guarantee we will have a second wave of mental health crisis, which is already unfolding with increased suicides, drug overdoses, and alcohol use,” she warns.

Based on the latest CDC data, nearly 15 percent of people affected by the lockdowns are also now using alcohol and other substances to manage their stress levels. Substances, as defined in the report, can include both legal and illegal drugs, as well as prescriptions taken outside a doctor’s recommendation.

The latest news stories about the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) plandemic are available at

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